
Assistant Foreign Minister Miao Deyu Meets with UN Women Executive Director Sima Sami Bahous

发布时间:2024-10-02  来源:外交部网站英文版  字体大小[ ]

 Assistant Foreign Minister Miao Deyu Meets with UN Women Executive Director Sima Sami Bahous

On September 27, 2024 local time, Assistant Foreign Minister Miao Deyu met with UN Women Executive Director Sima Sami Bahous at the UN headquarters in New York.

Miao Deyu said that China attaches great importance to the role of the UN, firmly supports the cause of the UN, and is ready to strengthen cooperation with UN Women, promote the implementation of the Pact for the Future and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and to continue to make due contributions to the cause of women around the world.

Sima Sami Bahous highly appreciates China's achievements in the development of the cause of women, and expects China to share its experience with other countries in the world. She expressed willingness to further deepen bilateral cooperation to contribute to the development of the cause of women.

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